+255 (0)22 2701 753 info@panita.or.tz Staff login


PANITA – Partnership for Nutrition in Tanzania - is a coalition of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) across the country dedicated to building the political and public-will, commitment and support to end malnutrition in Tanzania. Besides, PANITA members are engaging both specific and sensitive nutrition interventions at their localities.

It was established in 2010 through technical and financial support from Save the Children International (SCI), UNICEF and Irish Aid. PANITA as a platform for CSOs is working to provide technical support, sharing of information, learning space and synergy on nutrition advocacy both at national and local levels. The members have become a positive catalyst in enhancing Nutrition Sensitive and Specific activities within their localities; Sensitive sectors include but not limited to: Agriculture, Education, Health, Community Development, Gender, WASH, Livestock and Fisheries etc.

PANITA operates in all regions in Tanzania through 346 members; activities are coordinated in the 10 geographical Zones; this has made it to have wider coverage across the country, where most of our members work at the community level and contributing greatly in residing nutrition awareness at the community level, particularly in rural areas.


The Vision of PANITA is "A Tanzania that is free from malnutrition".


The mission of the Partnership is to advance advocacy efforts, improve coordination and reduce malnutrition by strengthening the capacity and increased mobilization and coordination of the CSOs, the media and other development partners to facilitate a more effective national and local response to addressing malnutrition.

Core Values

In pursuing the objectives of the network PANITA is accountable to the following core values:-

  • Volunteerism
  • Professionalism
  • Excellence
  • Integrity
  • Accountability
  • Responsibility
  • Transparency
  • Quality & Standards


Primary Objectives

  • To establish and maintain a vibrant national civil society platform covering all nutrition relevant sector to facilitate the exchange of information, advocate for policy improvement and foster a dialogue on strategic nutrition issues in Tanzania.
  • To build capacity of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and other stakeholders to engage more effectively in quality service, planning and policy processes.
  • To advocate for increased prioritization of nutrition at the community to national level development plans.
  • To implement projects/programs and research in collaboration with its members and other stakeholders all over the country to foster the wellbeing of the Tanzanian community in areas of Nutrition, Health, Reproductive Maternal Child and Adolescent, Youth, Education, Gender, Water and Sanitation (WASH), Nutrition sensitive agriculture, Social Protection, and other cross-cutting sectors.

Secondary Objectives

  • To disseminate information on PANITA’s mission, vision, objectives, and activities on preventing and controlling malnutrition in Tanzania.
  • To foster organizational capacities in actions to scaling up Nutrition among members of the partnership including recruiting staff of the national secretariat and nominating zonal level coordinators.
  • To do fundraising activities for the purposes of sustaining the existence of PANITA from legal sources of funds in and outside the United Republic of Tanzania.
  • To recruit members whose main focus is on nutrition and nutrition-sensitive interventions which and are seriously committed to expand and strengthen issues of Nutrition all over Tanzania.
  • To establish a structural mechanism so as to enable full participation of members in PANITA’s programs.
  • To do all such other lawful things as incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects and purposes of PANITA


Tanzania joined SUN as an early riser in 2011, with coordination of the activities being spearheaded by the Prime Minister’s office, under the SUN Focal Person who is the Director of the Government Business Coordination.

PANITA is the official Civil Society Alliance for moving forward Scaling Up Nutrition in Tanzania. Other networks include Business Network, Donor Network, UN Agencies Network, and the Government. PANITA has a seat in the High-Level Nutrition Steering Committee which is formally in charge of the SUN Movement in Tanzania, and PANITA members join Regional and Council Multi-sectoral Steering Committees on Nutrition in their respective Regions and councils.